torstai 10. lokakuuta 2024

How to bring a shopping bag in to one's home

 "Maybe with handiwork materials (etc?) bought from a shop too, one ought not bring it straight away fully into use, (if one is not in the middle of enthusiastic hobby right then at that moment), and get squeezed of such since it is somebody else's style, their view of handiworks, instead of one's own endeavour, and so one just wonders, how to live with that, maybe eats something because the style suggests that such is one way to be positively with such, but one does not learn about handiworks so, and so it is not at all as happy and wise as intended. 

So first bring the shopping bag or packet just indoors to the hall, then if you are interested in it, maybe to the floor by some edge of the room, or more like to a quite central place quite well in sight but out of the way, and only when you are interested in looking at the materials or other bought things at home, open it and spread it so that you can wonder, what will we do now that we have this material, would it fit this or that hobby goal and do the other materials we have fit together with it for such, what woukd the whole demand? And what are such ways of making handiworks in your life's sphere, are you ordinarily more tidy, sight oriented, atmospheric, or not so good in such, where are the social styles of the handiworks compared with your own ordinary spectrum of life, and how does your endurancy compare with the tasks and what does that mean in your family's life? 



Charms liked by many


lauantai 21. syyskuuta 2024

How to see people as beautiful

 " I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E



perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2024

My new ebook "Walking in beauty"


Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones. 

 At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order): 

Of walking in beauty

Weather skills for all climates

Living with the Four Seasons

A sorcerer, books 1. - 3.

My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala

Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life

Wonderful, miracle like beings

Magnifient views: and nice to live in

Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living


14th of July 2024


3rd of September 2024   Plwase observe these advices ought to suit all countries and climates, see .

lauantai 6. heinäkuuta 2024

My new blog "Very good cheap wine like things in life"


Features connected with being a woman

 " For girls and women it is typical that if they want to have children of their own, they have to cultivate some peace and wisdom of lufe near their stomach (womb) area and aim at protecting a small child and the lufe possibilitues of their own and their loved and lufe possibilitues with wisdom of lufe at least a few years. "

In addition one needs to care such things in the society too, and in the world. And these things need skills and affect values, so ordinarily the time lenght is much longer, tens of years or one's whole life. 

Some such skills of mine, in a form not related to whether one aims at being male or female : 

So such demands huge amounts of skills and dedicatiln to values, especially when cultivating life well in the world, which may be from the society. But I do not have children of my own. 

torstai 4. heinäkuuta 2024

Ebook "Some texts about Feelings and Wisdom Of Life"

 4th of July 2024   "Some Texts about Feelings and Wisdom Of Life", a new book and ebook soon available at 

As an ebook 2.99 usd +tax at the ebook ought to have unlimited copying allowing once bought.

lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2024

Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates

 READ THE TEXT FIRST, then following the advice watch some of the video

"  "Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates

 This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist.

Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes.

From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture that is effortless and good for moving and feeling well, kind of natural wisdom of the body, seen at least along the limbs' central muscles and like the spine carrying the person naturally in a posture that is good for moving, musical, feels well. Kind of relugiously wish - as if from looking them from the sides, for example hand by their side and not actuslly being there in the muscle oneself with one's clumsy thoughts, social ways etc - these naturally wise musical nature like wise parts of your body-mind to tune your heat regulatiln, moisture regulatiln etc, also what clothes to wear, toward which styles or whatever tune your social ways, etc so that the natural effect is cooling or warming and whatever needez, just right for the situation. You should seek for tuning that is good in the lobg run too, for example is well prepared for temperature variations of the next few days plus adapted to the climate. 


So you have some idea of how to live well in such a climate. Then just live aling those advices, as if you had wished for such good sides in your ways of living, as if it were art that you like, music or prayer to live along, a good complex understanding of lufe but natural like sensations, mysic and instinct nature.