keskiviikko 29. kesäkuuta 2022
Skills of Christmas gnomes

keskiviikko 1. kesäkuuta 2022
Avoiding pains during women's menstruation period
M11. About avoiding pains because of women's menstruation period. One should avoid using the same bandage again, also if it looks clean and has been used only for half a minute. One should avoid shit bacteria mixed in blood, so in toilet wipe from center backwards and with clean toilet paper from center forwards. One should avoid detergents in the bottom. One should wash with clean water but shower more like from a distance, not so close to the bottom, not detailedly clean, but wipe with toilet paper instead, and always a new bandage. Treat yourself some favor like a cookie or music. Don't eat food that melts slowly. If there is pain because too heavy food during menstruation period, go to the toiled. Eating lots of sugary candy may help to the pain, but remember to brush yourcteeth with toothpaste after that.